When to replace the Alfa Romeo Giulietta timing belt

The Alfa Romeo Giulietta is a compact mid-sized car from the Italian supplier, which was first produced in 1978. After a period of absence, the Giulietta found a new lease of life in 2010. This model was delivered with both petrol and diesel engines. Below you will find an overview of the timing belt replacement intervals from 2010. If you do not know which engine your car has, you can enter the license plate number below.

[open_rdw_check "make" "commercial name" "vehicle type" "fuel_description" "number_cylinders" "displacement" "expiry_apk"]

Petrol variants produced from 2010 onwards -

  • Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 TB and BiFeul all variants = 120 000 kilometres or after a maximum of 5 years. Under heavy load, 3 years and a maximum of 60 000 kilometres are prescribed. 
  • Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.8 TBi 173 and 177 kW = 120 000 kilometres or after a maximum of 5 years. Under heavy load, 3 years and a maximum of 60 000 kilometres are prescribed. 

Diesel Variants produced from 2010 -

  • Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.6 JTDM 77 kW = 120 000 kilometres or after a maximum of 5 years. Under heavy load, 3 years is prescribed. 
  • Alfa Romeo Giulietta 2.0 JTDM all variants = 120 000 kilometres or after a maximum of 5 years. Under heavy load, 3 years is prescribed.