A kilometre insurance for your car, we have seen it come up a few times already and since corona it is a form of insurance that is getting more attention. As in all industries, the insurance sector does not stand still and insurers continue to look for new concepts that meet the needs of us as consumers. An example of this is the so-called car insurance per kilometre. By means of this kilometre insurance, your premium can be a lot lower if you leave your car at home more often. This car insurance based on the number of kilometres driven is mainly aimed at people who drive little. So feel free to take the bike to save on your insurance costs.

Especially now that people are working more from home due to the corona crisis, this kind of insurance is more relevant than ever!

How does the kilometre insurance work?

kilometre car insuranceYou decide how many kilometres you expect to drive in a year and the insurance company calculates the premium accordingly. At the end of the year the insurer recalculates the premium on the basis of the actual number of kilometres driven. Have you driven less than expected after one year? The difference is then refunded. Have you used the car more often? If you add it all up, your insurance is still correct.
No matter how much you drive, you always pay a fixed rate from 25,000 kilometres a year and no surcharge for extra kilometres. So there will be no unpleasant surprises! You get a portion of the premium paid back if it turns out that you have left the car more often and therefore have driven fewer kilometres. We at autobaak.nl think this is quite a nice system.

Less kilometres since corona

Dutch motor vehicles drove 16.6 per cent fewer kilometres in 2020 than in the previous year. Over three-quarters of the kilometres driven in 2020 were done by passenger cars. This is according to new provisional figures on vehicle kilometres from CBS. Dutch motor vehicles covered a total of almost 126.7 billion kilometres at home and abroad in 2020, compared to 151.8 billion kilometres in 2019. That is a decrease of 16.6 per cent. In coronary year 2020, Dutch passenger cars drove 19.7 per cent fewer kilometres than in 2019. Also in Belgium was driven about 14% less since corona broke out.

Based on these figures, it is crazy if you keep paying the same for your car insurance but use the car a lot less.

Mileage insurance providers

We know that Belgian insurer Belfius is one of the first providers of the kilometre car insurance. They offer this insurance for both motorcyclists and car drivers. According to their website, they refunded approximately EUR 2 million to customers who drove less than they expected. In the Netherlands, too, there are various insurers who have added the same concept of kilometre insurance to their product range. As far as we are concerned, this is a good initiative in these times, when it is important to look after the environment but also our own wallets!