In some situations, you need a car or a van, and it should be clear that far from everyone has one in their driveway. Especially in big cities, the percentage of car owners is smaller and many more people use bicycles or public transport.

Fortunately, if you do need a car or van, you can rent one. In every town, there are rental companies you can turn to. Of course, you don't want to pay top dollar for this, so what should you look out for when renting a car or van?

Choose a strategic location

How much you pay for renting a car is determined, among other things, by where you will rent. Are you going to rent a Rent a car in Amsterdam And do you choose a rental company in the middle of the city? Then chances are you will pay more than if you choose a location just outside the city. Of course, this varies per company (and rental chain) but because the rent per m2 in the city centre is higher than for a building just outside the city centre, chances are you will be cheaper outside the city. It is therefore wise to look a little further than the (well-known) landlords in your neighbourhood.

car hireIf you are going to rent a car while travelling, then you should note that rental companies at airports are always a lot more expensive. This can sometimes be as much as 20% more expensive than rental companies outside the airport.

Choose the right car

Of course, what determines the price even more is which car you choose and what options you choose. The bigger or the fancier the model you choose, the higher the price to rent it. So, do you only need a car to get from A to B and no belongings need to be taken in the car? Then it is wise to choose the smallest car and look for one with as few options as possible.

You often pay a lower amount for this, allowing you to spend the rest of your pennies on something else. Sometimes you can also choose to drive a car with advertising stickers, in which case you pay even less than the regular rental prices. Another great way to save money on renting a car. You can ask about it at the car dealer.

When you need a van

Have you taken on a job on a project basis and really need to drive to the customer with tools? Then it's best to opt for a bus. A van rental in Amsterdam again, you can make it as expensive or cheap as you like.

Insurance and other complementary products

Perhaps needless to say but also look critically at the extra costs such as the additional insurances offered. In many cases, the insurances you already have cover the rental vehicle. Think of your personal car insurance or travel insurance, but sometimes this is already included in the insurance linked to your credit card. So this can also save you a lot on the extra costs when renting a car.

Do you have more tips? If so, be sure to let us know via the comment form!