Did you know that you can also take out a lease as an individual? You don't even definitely have to do this for a brand new car, leasing a used four-wheeler is also possible nowadays! By doing this, you normally have low monthly payments. You also have no initial investment at all, although it is possible to make a down payment so that your monthly costs are reduced by the leasing company. Would you like to lease a used car? If so, it's smart to use the following tips so you don't regret your choice.

Calculate monthly costs

Before you actually sign a leasing contract, you obviously want to know how much you will have to pay monthly. One of the websites you can use to calculate the cost is the site of Private Lease Used. Before calculating this, however, it is wise to set a budget. This will allow you to reject many used leased cars beforehand purely because they are outside your budget. After you have chosen a vehicle, use a car lease calculator so you can calculate what you will actually pay the leasing company each month. Does this fall higher than your budget? Then opt for a lease car that is just a bit cheaper.

Watch the mileage

In the case of a leasing used occasion you need to determine several things. These include the used car you want to lease, but also the term and form of the contract. Moreover, you need to include in the lease agreement how many kilometres you will drive the used car annually. This should be seen a bit like a limit. If you drive more than is included in the lease contract, you will probably have to pay extra, so of course you should avoid this. Therefore, think carefully when deciding on the number of kilometres and make sure you have extra space so that you hopefully don't have to pay more to your leasing company.

Look beyond costs

It is only natural that when leasing a used car, you look at the monthly costs in particular. Yet it is wise to look beyond your nose. Many leasing companies will try to tempt you with low monthly costs, but you should not easily fall for that. Instead, it is important to go through the whole agreement; you really need to understand every detail before signing the lease contract. So, for example, also look at the term and what happens if you return the car damaged.