Radial versus diagonal tyres: Understanding the difference for optimum performance and safety

When choosing tyres for your vehicle, it is crucial to understand the difference between radial and diagonal tyres. Both types serve the same purpose: to support the vehicle and provide traction, but their construction and performance characteristics differ...

Radial tyres

Radial tyres have layers (layers of rubber-coated cords) that run radially across the tyre. This construction allows the sidewall and tread to function independently, resulting in flexibility and better road contact.


  • Longer life: Due to their flexible construction and even wear distribution, radial tyres tend to last longer than diagonal tyres.
  • Improved fuel efficiency: Lower rolling resistance leads to lower fuel consumption.
  • Improved handling and stability: Radial tyres offer superior grip, cornering stability and overall handling, especially at higher speeds.
  • Cooler running temperatures: The flexible sidewalls generate less heat, reducing the risk of tyre failure due to overheating.

Diagonal bands

Diagonal tyres have layers that run diagonally across the tyre, criss-crossing each other. This construction makes them stiffer and less flexible than radial tyres.

  • Shorter tread life: Stiffer sidewalls lead to uneven wear patterns and faster tread wear, requiring more frequent replacement.
  • Lower fuel efficiency: Higher rolling resistance leads to lower fuel consumption.
  • Less handling and stability: Diagonal tyres offer less grip and stability than radial tyres, especially at higher speeds and when cornering.
  • Higher running temperatures: The stiff sidewalls generate more heat, increasing the risk of tyre damage and possible blowouts.

For most modern vehicles, radial tyres are preferred because of their safety and longevity. They offer a smoother ride, better fuel efficiency and better handling in various road conditions. However, diagonal tyres may be suitable for certain applications, such as:

  • Vintage or classic cars: Some older vehicles require diagonal tyres to maintain their original specifications and aesthetics.
  • Heavy-duty applications: Certain agricultural vehicles can benefit from the extra strength and puncture resistance of diagonal tyres.

A flat tyre can happen anytime and anywhere. But don't worry! A tyre repair kit can be a lifesaver in such situations. These kits are easy to use and will help you get back on the road quickly and safely.

Tyre maintenance tips:

  • Check tyre pressure regularly and adjust if necessary.
  • Check the tyres for signs of damage, such as cuts, punctures, bumps and tears.
  • Rotate tyres regularly for even tread wear.
  • Have your wheel alignment checked regularly.
  • Store tyres properly when not in use, away from sunlight and extreme temperatures.

What do you need to repair your tyres?

  • Tyre repair kit: This usually consists of a rasp tool, insertion tool, repair plugs, rubber cement and an air compressor or CO2 cartridges.
  • You can usually find these tools in the boot of your car. And needed to autorai.co.uk's advice on tyre repair kit to be used when removing the puncture.
  • Work gloves: To protect your hands from dirt and debris.

Always consult your car's owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommendations regarding tyre type and size.

By understanding the different tyre types and common failures and maintaining tyres properly, you can ensure that your car's tyres perform optimally, are safe and last a long time.

Why and when to clean your particulate filter

A properly functioning particulate filter is crucial for the performance and longevity of your car. It is therefore important to know how to keep a particulate filter clean, the consequences of a clogged filter, how often to clean it and how to clean a dirty...

In this article, we will explain all this to you so that you can enjoy your vehicle carefree.

The importance of cleaning your particulate filter

A particulate filter has an important role in your car, as it reduces harmful exhaust emissions. It filters soot particles from the exhaust fumes of diesel engines. A blockage of this filter can cause several problems:

  • Reduced performance: A clogged filter reduces the flow of exhaust gases, which will reduce the performance of the engine. 
  • Higher fuel consumption: If the filter is clogged, the engine has to work harder to achieve the same performance. A clog can therefore lead to higher fuel consumption.
  • Engine failures: Driving for too long with a clogged filter can cause problems to the engine, which in turn can lead to expensive repairs. 

So a good and clean particulate filter is very important. But when should you clean your particulate filter?

When to clean your particulate filter

So there are a lot of problems that can be caused by a clogged or dirty particulate filter. So it is important to clean it regularly. How and what varies per car, of course, but there are guidelines for this:

  • Every 15,000 to 30,000 kilometres. It depends on your driving style and the manufacturer.
  • With reduced engine performance. As soon as you notice your engine's performance declining, it could be a sign of a clogged particulate filter.
  • Indicator light. This sounds logical, but if the indicator light for the particulate filter is on, it is time to clean the filter. 

In addition, there are other indications that the particulate filter needs cleaning. These include reduced acceleration and black or grey smoke coming out of the exhaust. 

As soon as you experience any of these, you would be wise to take immediate action. But how do I clean my particulate filter?

The best way to clean your particulate filter

There are products on the market that make it easy to clean a particulate filter. At Dutch Performance Products they offer various solutions to clean your particulate filter. These products are specially designed to effectively remove soot and other junk. 

This will make your vehicle last longer and continue to perform top notch. Check out the options on the Dutch Performance Products website. 


Cleaning a particulate filter is therefore very important to keep your vehicle performing optimally. There are several signs that you can recognise a clogged particulate filter. Think your particulate filter is clogged? Be on time to avoid expensive repairs. 

Strategies for cheap car insurance: pay less, drive carefree

In the search for car insurance, the golden goal for many is clear: get out as cheaply as possible without compromising on essential cover. It sometimes seems like a game of chess where you have to be strategic to protect your king - in this case, your wallet. This article reveals the steps you can take to minimise your premium and still have peace of mind on the road. All to ensure a as cheap car insurance get as much as possible.

1. Choose the Right Coverage:

The foundation of cheap car insurance lies in selecting the right cover. All-risk insurance is like a fully insured trip to Mars: impressive, but perhaps more than you need. Third-party insurance is compulsory and covers damage you cause to others. Depending on the age and value of your car, this may be sufficient. Consider WA+ for a middle ground between basic cover and full protection.

2. Increase your Excess:

car insuranceAdjusting your deductible is like tuning a fine radio; find the perfect balance between saving on your premium and the amount you are willing to pay yourself in case of a claim. A higher deductible can lower your monthly costs, but make sure you can cough up this amount in case of an emergency.

3. Compare and Review Annually:

The car insurance market is like the stock market: fluctuating. What is a good deal today may be a thing of the past tomorrow. Use comparison sites to evaluate the best options every year. Loyalty to insurers is noble, but not always financially prudent.

4. Bundle Insurance:

Sometimes more is less. By taking out multiple insurance policies from the same provider, you may be eligible for a bundle discount. This is similar to ordering a menu instead of eating à la carte; the total package is often cheaper.

5. Limit your Mileage:

Less driving means less risk, and less risk can lead to lower premiums. Some insurers offer specific discounts for drivers who stay under a certain number of miles per year. It is worth considering if you do mainly city driving or have a second car that is used less.

6. Optimise your Car:

Security features and anti-theft systems can lower your premium. Insurers like to see that your car is less at risk of being stolen or involved in an accident. So installing an alarm or an immobiliser can pay double dividends.

7. Work on your Damage-Free Years:

Build a solid reputation as a driver. Claim-free years are rewarded with a discount on your premium. It is the no-claim discount, a reward for not claiming damage. This discount can add up considerably, making it one of the most effective ways to pay less.

Finding cheap car insurance requires a mix of smart choices, strategic planning and reviewing your situation regularly. By applying the above strategies, you can reduce the cost of your car insurance without compromising on the quality of your coverage. Let the hunt for the most economical car insurance begin, armed with knowledge and insight to get the best deal.

The Invisible Wounds: A Personal Injury Lawyer on Intangible Damages

In this article, a personal injury lawyer speaks on the subject of immaterial damages. A topic that can come up in a traffic accident, read on quickly to find out how a personal injury lawyer can be of service to you. Intangible damages...

Intangible damage

As a personal injury lawyer, I assist clients every day who have been injured not only physically but also emotionally and psychologically in an accident or incident. This form of suffering, known as intangible damages, is often less visible than physical injuries, but can have at least as profound an impact on the victim's well-being.

Intangible damage, also known as 'compensation for damages', is compensation for pain, sorrow and loss of enjoyment of life that a person suffers as a result of an accident or crime. It is compensation for non-financial losses and can cover both psychological and emotional damages.

Intangible DamageThe challenge with intangible damages is quantifying them. How do you determine the value of nightmares, feelings of anxiety, depression, or loss of the ability to enjoy hobbies and time with loved ones? Unlike material damage, such as medical expenses or loss of income, there is no direct financial measure of this harm.

In legal practice, immaterial damages are determined using case law and guidelines from the Personal Injury Council. It looks at the nature and severity of the injury, the duration of recovery, the impact on daily life, and the degree of fault of the perpetrator.

Making invisible wounds visible

An important aspect of my work is making these invisible wounds visible. This requires a careful and empathetic approach. It is essential to build a trusting relationship with my clients so that they feel comfortable sharing their experiences and feelings. This information is crucial to claiming real compensation.

I also work with medical experts and psychologists to assess the extent of intangible damages. They can provide a professional and objective assessment of the psychological consequences of the injury.

Obtaining just compensation for immaterial damages is a complex process, but it is an essential step in healing the victim. It not only acknowledges the harm done to them, but also offers a form of justice.

As a personal injury lawyer, I strive to be my clients' voice in a system that can often feel overwhelming and impersonal. It is my job to ensure that their intangible loss taken seriously and that they receive the compensation they deserve for the invisible wounds they suffered.

It is important that personal injury victims are aware of their right to compensation for immaterial damages. It is an acknowledgement of their pain and suffering, and a crucial step towards recovery. As your lawyer, I am committed to fighting for your right to this essential form of reparation.

Buying a new car? Here's why you should choose electric!

More and more electric cars are driving in our country. That means more and more people are making the move to electric driving. But whence this popularity? 

If you are ready for a new car, you have probably already gazed at the current range of cars on offer. You know what's for sale. You may also be left with questions. Many well-known car brands, for instance, only largely sell hybrids or fully electric cars now. That takes some getting used to if you have always been used to driving a fuel car. Yet it is no wonder that more and more people have started driving electric in recent years. In this article, we explain why based on some major advantages. This is why switching to electric driving will be a good choice. 

Facilities are getting better and better 

The government considers it very important to encourage the purchase of eco-friendly cars. Electric vehicles do not emit CO2 while driving. In the Netherlands, a fifth of total CO2 emissions are now created by road traffic. If more people drive electric, this can be reduced considerably. 

That means they have included several things in the environmental agreement for 2030 to make electric driving more attractive. For instance, the goal is to have 1.7 million charging stations in the Netherlands by 2030. It is estimated that around 1.9 million electric vehicles will then be driving. Just for comparison, there are currently about 55,000 electric charging stations available in our country. 

The aim is that there will always be a charging station nearby should be. This makes it much less problematic to make the switch. After all, many people fear that it is more inconvenient to charge than to fill up. Moreover, there is also a logistical need for more charging stations. After all, the demand for electric vehicles is increasing considerably, so it is important that the facilities improve to avoid commotion at the charging stations. 

Did you know that the Netherlands currently leads Europe when it comes to electric vehicle facilities? Not bad for such a small country.


When electric cars were just emerging, we saw that prices were very high. By now, almost all manufacturers have included an electric model in their range. The supply is increasing considerably and prices may drop a bit as a result. Moreover, there are also plenty of affordable used cars with an electric drive these days. Not to mention the tax advantages. This makes electric driving increasingly affordable. 

Lower cost of fuel 

It will not have escaped anyone's notice that driving a car has become incredibly expensive in recent years. Mostly due to skyrocketing petrol prices. If you fill up a full tank now, the average car will cost between seventy-five and a hundred euros. Charging the battery of an electric car will soon cost a lot less anyway. It often saves more than half. You are even cheaper if you can charge at home. Especially in combination with solar panels. So in the long run, driving electric saves a lot on fuel costs.